Linda Yael Schiller, MSW, LICSW

Integrative and Embodied Dreamwork and Healing



PTSDreams: Transform Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork

Nightmares, especially those caused by trauma, not only disrupt your sleep but can also leave you exhausted and distressed. With in-depth information on the nature of nightmares, author and psychotherapist Linda Yael Schiller shows you how to turn distressing or heart pounding dreams into resources for spiritual growth.

Publication date: September, 2022
Publisher: Llewellyn
Order from: Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
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Sueños Tept

Nuestros sueños se cuelan por las rendijas de nuestra conciencia cada noche, los recordemos o no. A muchos de nosotros también se nos cuelan las pesadillas, a algunos de vez en cuando y a otros con demasiada frecuencia. En una noche media de siete a ocho horas de sueño tenemos de cinco a seis ciclos REM (Rapid Eye Movements), la parte de nuestro ciclo de sueño en la que se generan la mayoría de los sueños. Sin embargo, solemos recordar sólo los que tenemos justo antes de despertar. Las pesadillas son, por lo general, sueños vívidamente realistas y perturbadores que con frecuencia nos despiertan. Nuestra tendencia natural es querer apartar la vista de ellos, para volver a dormir, si se quiere. Puede que aún no estemos preparados para enfrentarnos a nuestros fantasmas y demonios; debemos respetar nuestra necesidad de ir despacio. El propósito de este libro es ayudarte a sanar de tus pesadillas con un enfoque integrado de cuerpo/mente/espíritu para que puedas volver a disfrutar de una buena noche de sueño, o quizá puedas hacerlo por primera vez.

Publication date: September, 2023
Publisher: El Sotana
Order from: El Sotana

Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding Your Soul’s Wisdom

Dreams are one of the most profound, enigmatic, and powerful activities of our mind and our soul. And for those who yearn for healing, purpose, and deeper connections, dreams can hold a plethora of creative insights and solutions to the problems that hold you back.

Each dream gives up its secrets in different ways, therefore Modern Dreamwork offers a hands-on guide to several different approaches to working with and interpreting your dreams.

Publication date: December, 2019
Publisher: Llewellyn
Order from: Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
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Other Publications

PTSDreams: Transform your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork
Pagan Dawn Journal
Tapping into The Wisdom of your Dreams to Heal Chronic Illness
Energy Magazine
Healing The Three Faces of our Shadow through Deep Dreaming
Llewellyn Worldwide
What Spiritual Bypassing Means — And How It’s Toxic To Your Mental Health
Your Tango
Using Active Dreamwork to heal from Trauma
Spirituality + Health Magazine
How to Grow Resilience through Mindfulness and Dreaming
Moving Into Your Dreams: Embracing Embodied Dreamwork
DreamTime Magazine
Dreaming Beyond – 7 Tips for Connecting With Your Departed Loved Ones Through Your Dreams
Taking Your Dreamwork To The Next Level
Spirit of Change Magazine
Title and Re-Titling the Dream: Dreamworker’s Parallel to EMDR – a Transformative Therapy
Getting Unstuck: Using the GAIA* Method of Dreamwork to Heal From Trauma Dreamtime
Integrated and Comprehensive Treatment of Trauma
published by Western Schools (
Not for Women Only: Applying the Relational Model of Group Development with Vulnerable Populations
Journal of Social Work with Groups
Reweaving the Strands of a Dream Circle
Audiotape as part of panel presentation for IASD
Dreamwork Through the Lens of Kabbalah
Audiotape from the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD)
Sharing the Secrets: The Power of Women’s Groups For Sexual Abuse Survivors
in Mutual Aid Groups, Vulnerable Populations, and the Life Cycle, eds. Gitterman and Shulman
Womens Group Development and the Role Of Facilitator Influence on Group Development
in Gender and Group Work, eds. Cohen, Marsha and Mullender, Audrey
Challenging Prevailing Wisdom: Reflections on the Development of the Relational Model of Groupwork
in Journal of Social Work with Groups (Silver Anniversary Issue)
Integrating Spirituality and Clinical Practice
Audiotape for NASWs Home Ed. Program
Vicarious Traumatization
Audiotape as part of panel presentation for National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Dreamwork and Psychotherapy
Audiotape for Boston chapter of NASW’s HomeEd program
Healing the Whole Person: Working with Mind, Body, and Spirit with Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Audiotape for Boston chapter of NASW’s HomeEd program
Rethinking Stages of Development in Women’s Groups: Implications for Practice
in Journal of Social Work With Groups, Haworth Press
Why Confrontation Can Be a Misnomer
The Power of Speaking Out for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Stages of Development in Women’s Groups: A Relational Model
in Group Work Practice in a Troubled Society, ed. Kurland and Salmon, The Haworth Press
Healing from Trauma: Working with Repressed Memories Through Image, Dream, and Metaphor
Community Program Innovations Newsletter